(Aug. 23 -Sept. 23)
  Towards the end of the week you'll meet, quite unexpectedly, an extremely special person. It'll be someone with whom you'll build up a longstanding, warm friendship. Be careful of 'overheating', so to speak, because that is not his or her intention. And it is doubtful whether you yourself want that.
Astrological prophecies are no match for the human mind. If you decide to distance yourself from certain developments, the whole world could be yours. You'll probably think now: 'I wish the world were mine, including this one person'. Next week you'll understand better what this implies.
You'll hear from a friend you haven’t been in touch with for a long time. Don't forget to answer his or her email or letter. He or she will greatly appreciate this.
It's OK to make a small bet this week. But don't overdo it Virgo!